Thermo Lab
Thermo Lab captures the Equation of State of water--a concept from undergraduate thermo classes--in a simulation that students can touch and see and manipulate. This project is an exciting partnership with John Pfotenhauer, Professor of Thermodynamics at UW-Madison, who uses the simulation with his intro-level students.
Monthly Player Activity
Data Pipeline
No Data
Month of July
There is currently no data for the month of July.
Raw Data
Month of July
Time-sequenced data as provided by the game directly. Includes player events, system feedback and game progression.
Month of July
Calculated Events
Month of July
Raw time-sequenced data interwoven with with events generated by automated detectors.
Month of July
Feature Data
Month of July
Feature-engineered data that describe game-play at different levels of aggregation.
These samples link out to a github codespace and are useful for exploration and visualization. They are also effective starting spots for your own experiments.