Waddle: A Penguin's Tale
Our in-progress Penguins VR Project will allow players to experience life at the South Pole—as a penguin! We’re thrilled to work with penguin researcher Jean Pennycook to create a fun, playful experience that introduces people to her NSF-funded work.
Monthly Player Activity
Data Pipeline
No Data
Month of August
There is currently no data for the month of August.
Raw Data
Month of August
Time-sequenced data as provided by the game directly. Includes player events, system feedback and game progression.
Month of August
Calculated Events
Month of August
Raw time-sequenced data interwoven with with events generated by automated detectors.
Month of August
Feature Data
Month of August
Feature-engineered data that describe game-play at different levels of aggregation.
These samples link out to a github codespace and are useful for exploration and visualization. They are also effective starting spots for your own experiments.
Gagnon, D.J., Ponto, K., Verbeke, M., Nathan, M., Kopp, K., Tredinnick, R.. (2023). Waddle: Developing Empathy for Adélie Penguins By Direct Embodiment in Virtual Reality. In: Haahr, M., Rojas-Salazar, A., Göbel, S. (eds) Serious Games. JCSG 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14309. Springer, Cham..
Ponto, K., Tredinnick, R., Verbeke, M., Kopp, K., Swanson, L., Gagnon, D.. (2023). Waddle: using virtual penguin embodiment as a vehicle for empathy and informal learning. In 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2023), October 09--11, 2023, Christchurch, New Zealand. ACM, New York, NY, USA.