Headlines & High Waters

Play as a young journalist covering events as they unfold in the fictional town of Twin Lakes. Made in partnership with UW School of Journalism and Mass Communication with funding from the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment.

Monthly Player Activity

May 2024
No Plays

Data Pipeline

Month of May

No Data

Month of May

There is currently no data for the month of May.

Raw Data

Month of May

Time-sequenced data as provided by the game directly. Includes player events, system feedback and game progression.


Month of May

Calculated Events

Month of May

Raw time-sequenced data interwoven with with events generated by automated detectors.


Month of May

Feature Data

Month of May

Feature-engineered data that describe game-play at different levels of aggregation.


These samples link out to a github codespace and are useful for exploration and visualization. They are also effective starting spots for your own experiments.